Orders, Quotes, Invoices, TD

Offline? No Problem

A quote or order document can also be created in offline mode. An essential feature for those who are working out and about, where Wi-Fi or 3G coverage is often not available.


Easy tools to create the document in PDF format, save it to your cloud or device and share it with the customer.
The document formats can be customised with your company logo and your contact info. 

Document Status

Easily manage progress of a document. A quote that is created as temporary is Confirmed once it is sent to the customer, Cancelled if it is not accepted or otherwise changed to an order.

A user-friendly cart

Each document, be it a quote or order, has its own product cart dashboard on which you can quickly act to change quantities, add or remove quotes, change the price list and set row or header discounts.

At any time, with any change, you will always have the totals of the document at hand.

Add new Products

You can add a new product to an open document in different points of the App. Browsing the product catalogue through the Add to Cart actions, or working directly in the open document and searching for a product by code or description. All designed for these operations to be performed as quickly as possible.

Quick Actions

Each document is automatically created in Provisional status. You can then decide whether to Confirm it, Order it or Cancel it. You can share it with the customer with Send the Document, duplicate it or change it into an Order or Invoice.

All this simply from the previews of your order or quote.


Search Engine

The search and filter tools are essential especially for those who have a catalogue of products or services consisting of hundreds of items.

PDF Documents

Once an order is confirmed simply tap to create the PDF of the document set with all the data of the customer and assigned products. A format that can be easily saved in your archive in the cloud and shared with the customer. Easily customised with your own graphical header to set your company logo.

Start your trial now!

30 days free. No credit card required.

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